今日科技:MySpace裁員,Verizon iPhone發(fā)布
? 正如一周前報道過的那樣,Myspace計劃裁員50%,也就是550至600名員工。Myspace的裁員是打著重組和摒棄歷史遺留業(yè)務的旗號進行的。在此次裁員之后,這家由社交網(wǎng)絡轉型而成的娛樂網(wǎng)站有可能會尋求出售,一種可能是被私募基金所收購,另一種可能則是被賣給雅虎(Yahoo)。(來源:AllTh...
Today in Tech: MySpace layoffs today, Verizon iPhone launch
A curated selection of the day's most newsworthy tech stories from all over the Web.? As reported a week ago, MySpace intends to lay off 50%, or betwe...
Rumors: A Verizon iPhone in 2010
Posted by Philip Elmer-DeWittTwo sources say Apple is building a hybrid "worldmode" phone that Verizon could useJudging from reader comments in this s...
一名分析師稱,Verizon版iPhone將于3月份開始生產(chǎn),6月份發(fā)售。作者:Philip Elmer-DeWitt美國投資公司Canaccord Adams分析師彼得?米賽克(Peter Misek)周三在寫給顧客的報告中提到:“下周的發(fā)布會上很有可能宣布兩件與iPhone相關的事情:蘋果將于6...
Verizon iPhone unveiling next week?
Manufacturing would begin in March for delivery in June, says an analystby Philip Elmer-DeWitt"We believe there is a good chance," writes Canaccord Ad...
What if Verizon did get an iPhone?
Suspending disbelief for a moment, Oppenheimer's Yair Reiner takes at face value Tuesday's Bloomberg story -- and the Wall Street Journal report that ...
The Verizon iPhone: Good for Apple, bad for RIM
Even if iPhone on the Verizon network isn't revolutionary, it is another straw to break the back of IT departments reluctant to move away from BlackBe...
Verizon iPhone: Not the dream phone after all
The Verizon iPhone 4. Not all that different-looking from the AT&T version.Earlier today, Verizon Wireless finally confirmed its worst-kept secret, an...
傳聞Verizon iPhone將于2010年面世
作者:Philip Elmer-DeWitt據(jù)兩個消息來源稱,蘋果正在打造一款Verizon能使用的混合“全球統(tǒng)一終端”手機。從我博客空間上的讀者評論來看,在美國,有很多手機用戶受困于Verizon合同,假如他們不需變換運營商就能用上iPhone,他們馬上就會去買一部。Verizon已經(jīng)很明確的表示...
亞馬遜推出針對iPhone和iPod touch的MP3網(wǎng)上商店,意在搶占蘋果份額 科技博客THE NEXT WEB互聯(lián)網(wǎng)零售商亞馬遜(Amazon)表示,已開發(fā)出自有MP3商店,能在蘋果(Apple)的Safari移動瀏覽器上無縫運行,還將提供個性化推薦、暢銷音樂排行榜以及亞馬遜評分等功能。用戶購...